تتم اليوم الأربعاء محاكمة المواطن السعودي، خالد محمد الجهني، بالرياض، على خلفية اتهامه بالتحدث لوسائل إعلام أجنبية والإساءة للمملكة السعودية، وفق ما ذكرته مصادر مقربة من قضية خالد.
وكان قد تم القبض على خالد يوم الحادي عشر من مارس/آذار عام 2011 حين لبى دعوة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على الانترنت للخروج والتظاهر فيما سمي حينها "يوم الغضب".
وفي هذا اليوم لم يكن خالد سوى المتظاهر الوحيد. ووسط الوجود الامني المكثف جاء خالد وتحدث الى فريق بي بي سي عند ميدان المظالم بالرياض.
وقد تم القبض على خالد بعد فترة وجيزة من التحدث الى فريق بي بي سي. ووفق مصادر مقربة من قضيته فإن خالد مسجون حاليا في سجن الحائر. وأضافت هذه المصادر أنه منذ القبض عليه، تعرض خالد للتعذيب والإهانة اللفظية والحرمان من النوم لساعات طويلة والماء في بعض الأحيان. وتقول هذه المصادر إن حالة خالد الصحية متردية للغاية ولا يحصل على العناية الطبية اللازمة.
I'm one of a million.I'm so un-original in my feeble attempts to be original.I'm so mundane in my attempts to be one of a kind .I'm mediocre in my attempts to excel.And still I try. I am my own hero in the making. I am my own star. I am special...like everyone else. Oh that illusion! That cruel cruel illusion of the search for uniqueness...That wretched ambition to thrive.Ah!! That Goddamn potential...It physically hurts sometimes.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Khaled Jehani: The Only Protester
Khaled Mohamed Al Jehani stands trial in the Saudi capital Riyadh today. He's charged with speaking to foreign media about subjects which harm the kingdom and for demonstrating.
Khaled was arrested on March the 11th 2011 when he answered calls on social media pages to take to the streets of Riyadh and demonstrate in what was called the 'Day of Rage'.
At 'Grievance Square' or 'Diwan Al Mathalem' a demonstration was expected. But Khaled ended up being the only protester and despite the notorious security presence he came up and spoke to journalists.
Khaled was arrested shortly after this was filmed. He is now in the Haa'er prison where he has been for 11 months.He has been tortured and humiliated during this period. He was also sometimes deprived of sleep or water. This is according to sources close to him as well as political and human rights activists following his case inside Saudi Arabia.
Khaled was arrested on March the 11th 2011 when he answered calls on social media pages to take to the streets of Riyadh and demonstrate in what was called the 'Day of Rage'.
At 'Grievance Square' or 'Diwan Al Mathalem' a demonstration was expected. But Khaled ended up being the only protester and despite the notorious security presence he came up and spoke to journalists.
Khaled was arrested shortly after this was filmed. He is now in the Haa'er prison where he has been for 11 months.He has been tortured and humiliated during this period. He was also sometimes deprived of sleep or water. This is according to sources close to him as well as political and human rights activists following his case inside Saudi Arabia.
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